Our successful appearance at the Maimarkt Fair 2024 in Mannheim
16 May 2024
We were there – and how! The Maimarkt Fair 2024 took place in Mannheim from April 27th to May 7th and our team was there with enthusiasm. Despite some rain showers, the weather conditions were favorable and attracted visitors from all over Germany who explored the trade fair together with their friends and families.

The fair offered a variety of interesting products from local sellers and we, Berlin Tires Europa GmbH, were proud to present our latest City E-Bike models of the Keskin brand (Cbike 1/1V), as well as the models Folding eBike (2GO), Trekking E-Bike (SUV)
and organic bike (Bella) from the Berlin Bike brand at our stand F11-14. On a spacious 40 m², visitors were not only able to admire our e-bikes, but also test them out and get advice from our competent staff, which helped them make the right choice for them.

The positive response from visitors has encouraged us and we are already looking forward to the Maimarkt Messe 2025. Our goal is to reserve a stand of more than 50 m² to present our new models. Come by, test the possibilities and let our team advise you – see you at the Maimarkt Messe 2025!
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